Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday fun

Today on the Lil Pip Facebook page, I asked what you wanted to be when you grew up?

I'm sure I went though the many variations of singer, dancer or ballerina but I remember in late primary school wanted to be a librarian. I was convinced that you could just sit and read books all day and I thought that was a pretty good idea. I loved to read and the school librarian used to give me all the new books before she put them on the shelf. I would read anything and everything.

I'm not sure how my love of books and wanting to be a librarian morphed into studying Economics at university and now working in Marketing and Communications but I guess I just realised that I was better off reading them for joy rather than surrounding myself with them!

So what did you want to be when you 'grew' up? More so those ambitions you had in primary school than high school.


  1. I still have absolutely no idea what I want to be when I grow up! My ultimate dream would probably be a midwife - but I'm a realist - and four years of uni at my age with four children just aint going to happen! Plus - I can't stand the thought of giving people needles! lol. I'd really, really like to make this quilting gig my "career" :)

  2. I really wanted to be a hairdresser. It was my hairdresser who talked me out of it though :)


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