Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mood board? Inspiration? New directions?

When I started Lil Pip in August 2010, I had a 3.5 year old little boy and a 18 month old baby girl. I had not long gone back to work just three days a week. Fast forward three years and I now have a very grown up 6yo in Grade 1 and a gorgeous princess who just turned 4 a couple of weeks ago. I now work 4 days a week and my one "day off" isn't exactly a day for me!

My first product was the Boobook ribbon owl that I designed for newborns through to teething toddlers. I'm in the process of making this a pattern to sell now. I have a few other ideas and hope to release them this year.

I used to sell online, mainly Facebook. With all the changes now it is becoming harder to reach my likers and audience without paying. Fair enough, Facebook needs to make money (the marketer in me doesn't have an issue with this!) but it is really hard to use this medium as a business platform rather than a social platform (as it was originally designed for!).

So in late 2011, I decided to try my local markets - the Maribyrnong Makers Market. Despite being the worst weather ever (as in absolutely wash out), I did really well and was hooked. So I made the decision to stick with markets. It works well for me, I can plan around the family, sew my stock leading up to each market, go on just one day and not worry about chasing payments and posting purchases.

BUT (insert big sigh) my babies are getting older. Do I still want to stay in the newborn to 3yo space making toys and girls clothes? I've made more size 4 and 5 dresses and outfits this year and they are selling well, so there is a demand for bigger sizes. I'm realistic though. I know older girls probably won't want to wear handmade as it just isn't cool (hopefully mine will!).

I'm looking to change Lil Pip ever so slightly. Streamline a little. Take the business slightly older but still catering to the young market. Thinking 0-6/7 is a good space for me.

This photo represents a mood board of sorts. Some patterns I love, colours to use and looks to replicate. What do you think? Like what you see? I'll be working on this in the next few months and hope you enjoy what I create.


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