Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 14 - to markets, to markets

I'm not sure if I'm excited or just down right terrified and overwhelmed but I have just this week been accepted to my first handmade market. 

My Boobook ribbon owls will be available
I'll be showcasing my wears at the Maribrynong Makers Market on Saturday 26 November. That is just 6 short weeks to get everything together. Oh boy I'm going to be sewing and gluing up a storm in the next few weeks!
Jingle Bells embellished tshirts
will be available

Millie Mae pillowcase dresses will be available
in different sizes and designs
I hope you can join me (if you are local), even just a passing smile will help calm my nerves.

Right off to the machine ...


  1. Go for it Jane! You will be wonderful :o)

  2. Your little owls are gorgeous. Best of luck with your markets:)
    PS Visiting from Blogtoberfest


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